Contoura® Vision – Customised for you

Wavelight Contoura Vision

Contura Eye MapTopography of your eye. Unique as your fingerprint.

Contoura Vision creates a customised vision correction treatment unique to your eye.

Each eye has a unique surface curvature. This can be mapped using special devices, as a contour map giving points of elevation and depression on the surface of the cornea.  Irregular elevation points on the eye can scatter the light entering your eye, preventing a clear, sharp image at the retina and preventing you from achieving optimal vision.

Contoura Vision precisely maps 22,000 elevation points of the cornea to create a unique customised treatment for your vision correction.

Open Your Eyes to a world without glasses.

Our Contoura Vision treatment is proven to eliminate the need for corrective eyewear.

Following your customised Contoura Vision treatment not only will you be able to open your eyes each day to a world unrestricted by lenses. You will also notice:

Contoura icons





  • More than 98% of patients are very satisfied with their Contoura Vision treatment*
  • 93% people treated with Contoura Vision achieve 20/20 vision or better*

Come and talk to us at Perth Laser Vision to see if Contoura Vision is right for you.

*Reference: Results from FDA T-CAT-001 clinical study for topography-guided vision correction (with the 400 Hz ALLEGRETTO WAVE® Eye-Q Excimer Laser).

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