Your LASIK Eye Surgery Procedure

What Is Involved With LASIK Eye Surgery?

Now that you know what LASIK eye surgery is and the benefits to peoples’ lifestyle it can provide, it’s time to find out what is involved with the procedure.
Firstly, you will need to make an appointment for assessment and initial consultation.

Tests that determine your suitability for LASIK eye surgery or another type of refractive surgery will be carried out by our staff.

A brief history will be taken to determine the stability of your refraction and you will have the following tests:

  • LENSOMETRY measures the strength of your current glasses.
  • VISUAL ACUITY measures how far down the eye chart you can read without your glasses.
  • REFRACTION measures the refractive error in your eyes.
  • TOPOGRAPHY generates maps of the cornea to provide a contour plan of the front surface of the cornea. This aids in the diagnosis of astigmatism and the exclusion of certain diseases.
  • WAVEFRONT measures the refractive error in minute detail.
  • PACHYMETRY measures the corneal thickness and maps the variability over the cornea.

Your consultation with your surgeon is the next step.

Your surgeon will assess your suitability for LASIK eye surgery, taking into account your test results and needs as a patient.

If you wish to proceed, an appointment can be arranged for LASIK eye surgery through our Reception staff

An information pack containing a consent for the procedure and all the requirements for the day of surgery, post-operative instructions and appointments will be provided.

The Day of Your LASIK Eye Surgery Procedure

  • On the day of your surgery you will be asked to arrive half an hour prior to your scheduled LASIK eye surgery. You are welcome to bring a friend or partner to this session. You will be given a mild oral sedative of Temazepam to relax you and steriod eye drops will be applied to minimise inflammation post-operatively.
  • The nurses will take you through to the Excimer Laser Theatre.
  • Local anaesthetic eye drops are applied.
  • Your eye will then be washed with Betadine antiseptic to ensure sterility.
  • You will then be positioned under the Wavelight FS200 laser. Your surgeon will ask you to look towards a ring of white lights. Then your surgeon will place a fixation ring over your eye to help keep your eye still.
  • The Wavelight FS200 laser uses tiny, rapid pulses of laser light to create the corneal flap. This is painless and takes around 6 seconds.
  • Once the corneal flap has been created on both eyes you will be positioned under the Wavelight EX500 Excimer laser ready to correct your prescription. Your surgeon will now ask you to look towards a small green flashing light. You will be asked to fixate on this green light for the duration of the procedure. A sterile drape will be placed over your eye and more local anaesthetic drops will be applied.
  • The corneal flap is gently folded back and the Excimer laser begins to reshape the corneal surface. During this you will be able to hear a continuous ‘buzzing’ sound. This is simply the noise of the laser and can last between 2 and 10 seconds, depending on the amount of correction you require. It is essential that you continue to fix your focus on the green flashing light.
  • On completion of the procedure antibiotic eye drops will be applied, then a clear plastic shield will be taped over your eye. These must stay in place until the clinical staff remove them at your appointment the following day.
  • You will be supplied with Panadiene tablets, to take as directed, should you require them for pain relief.
  • You will have a post-operative appointment scheduled for the next day and you will also be provided with a contact number should you have any concerns out of business hours.
  • You should have a restful day and evening after your surgery.
  • You must not drive yourself home. Do not operate machinery or expose yourself to dusty or dirty environments for 24 hours following your surgery.
  • You must attend your post-operative appointment the next day where you will be given a satchel containing your post-operative eye drops. You will be given your clearance for driving when your surgeon sees you.
  • Avoid soap and water around the eyes for one week after the procedure.
  • Eye make up must not be applied for one month.
  • Do not rub or press on your eyes for one month.
  • Do not swim for one month and avoid contact sports for one month.
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